§ 67. The annual budget.
At least sixty days before the end of each fiscal year, the city manager shall prepare and submit to the council an annual budget for the ensuing fiscal year, based upon detailed estimates furnished by the several departments and other divisions of the city government according to a classification as nearly uniform as possible. The budget shall present the following information:
An itemized statement of the appropriations recommended, with comparative statements in parallel columns showing estimates of the expenditures for the current year and the actual expenditures for the next preceding year.
An itemized statement of the taxes required and of the estimated revenues of the city from all other sources for the ensuing fiscal year, with comparative statements in parallel columns of the taxes and other revenues for the current and next preceding year, and of the increases or decreases estimated or proposed.
Such other information as may be required by the council.
When putting a fiscal year from July first through June thirtieth into effect, the comparative statements required by the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) above shall not strictly apply for the fiscal years 1968-1969 and 1969-1970, but the city manager shall show in the budget such comparative figures as shall best carry out the intent of subsections (a) and (b) above. Copies of such budget shall be printed and available for distribution after its submission to the council; and a public hearing shall be given thereon by the council before final action.
(Acts 1956, Ch. 115; Acts 1968, Ch. 174)
(Acts 1956, Ch. 115; Acts 1968, Ch. 174)