§ 77. City purchasing agent.  

Latest version.
  • The city purchasing agent shall, under the supervision of the director of finance, and until the council shall otherwise provide by ordinance, purchase all goods and services for the city, and sell all personal property of the city that may have been condemned as useless by the director of a department of the city, except the purchase of such goods and services and the sale of such personal property for which the council may make other provisions.

    He may require from the director of each department, at such times as contracts for goods and services are to be let, a requisition for the quantity and kind of goods and services to be paid for from the appropriations of the department. Upon certification that funds are available in the proper appropriations, such goods and services shall be purchased and shall be paid for from funds in the proper department for that purpose. He shall not purchase any goods and services for any department unless there be to the credit of such department an available appropriation balance sufficient to pay for such goods and services. However, this procedure shall not prevent him from purchasing goods and services for cash on account of storehouse stock for future use by the various departments under such regulations as the director of finance may prescribe.

    Before making any purchase or sale, he shall give opportunity for competition under such rules and regulations as may be established by the director of finance.

    He shall perform such other duties in connection with the purchase of goods and services and the sale of personal property of the city as may be from time to time prescribed by the council.

    (Acts 1956, Ch. 115; Acts 2000, Ch. 950, § 1)

(Acts 1956, Ch. 115; Acts 2000, Ch. 950, § 1)