§ 114. Officers exempted from classified service.
Officers who are elected by the people or who are elected or confirmed by the council, pursuant to this Charter, members of the school board, the teachers in the public schools and all other persons employed by said school board, heads of the administrative departments of the city, the deputy chief of police, assistant city managers, employees who report directly to and whose positions require the personal trust and confidence of the city manager, employees, regardless of their positions, hired and permanently assigned to work for and under the supervision of the constitutional officers of the city or of the circuit court judges of the city, assistant heads of administrative departments and heads or chiefs of bureaus and divisions within said departments, but not including such positions within the departments of fire and police other than that of deputy chief of police, members of the law department and civil service examiners, shall not be included in such classified service; provided, however, that the council may by ordinance provide that the health officer of said city and such of his trained medical assistants as may be required to give full time to the duties of their positions shall be included in the classified service.
(Acts 1977, Ch. 42: § 1: Acts 1982, Ch. 289, § 1; Acts 2004, Ch. 52; Acts 2008, Ch. 337; Acts 2014, Chs. 235, 683 ( Res. No. 1,572 ))
(Acts 1977, Ch. 42: § 1: Acts 1982, Ch. 289, § 1; Acts 2004, Ch. 52; Acts 2008, Ch. 337; Acts 2014, Chs. 235, 683 ( Res. No. 1,572 ))