§ 34. Ordinances adopted by the electors; how amended or repealed.
No ordinance adopted by the vote of the electors, as herein provided, shall be repealed or amended, except by vote of the electors; but the corporation [circuit] court of said city, or the judge thereof in vacation, may, on request of the council, by resolution, order an ordinance to repeal or amend any ordinance so adopted, to be submitted to the electors at any regular election, or at any special municipal election called for some other purpose, provided that the clerk of said court shall cause notice of the proposed submission of such ordinance repealing or amending an ordinance, to be published once in one or more newspapers of said city not more than sixty nor less than thirty days prior to said election. If an amendment is so proposed such notice shall contain the proposed amendment in full, and submission shall be in the same manner and the vote shall have the same effect as in the case of an ordinance submitted to election by popular petition.