§ 51. Investigations.
The council, the city manager and any officer, board or commission authorized by them, or either of them, shall have power to make investigations as to city affairs, and for that purpose of subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and compel the production of books and papers. The civil service commission shall have power to make investigations relating to the civil service, with the like power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and compel the production of books and papers.
Any person refusing or failing to attend, or to testify, or to produce such books and papers, may by summons issued by such board or officer be summoned before the police justice [general district court] of said city by the board or official making such investigation, and upon failure to give satisfactory explanation of such failure or refusal may be fined by the police justice [general district court] not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, such person to have the right to appeal to the corporation [circuit] court of the city. Any person who shall give false testimony under oath at any such investigation shall be liable to prosecution for perjury.