§ 14.5-1. Violations.
§ 14.5-2. Enforcement.
§ 14.5-3. Definitions.
§ 14.5-4. Illegal dumping prohibited.
§ 14.5-5. Unlawful storage and accumulation of solid waste.
§ 14.5-6. Failure to keep property clean and free of accumulations of solid waste.
§ 14.5-7. Removal of certain substances thrown, dropped or deposited on highway at scene of motor vehicle accident.
§ 14.5-8. Proof of proper disposal required.
§ 14.5-9. Authority of city attorney to prosecute misdemeanors committed within the city.

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Cross reference— Erosion and sediment control, Ch. 15; noise, Ch. 26; nuisances generally, Ch. 27; protection from lead poisoning, 27-31 et seq.; public sewer use, Ch. 39.1; private sewer use, Ch. 39.2; solid waste, Ch. 41; stormwater management, Ch. 41.1; water supply generally, Ch. 46.1; pollution of water supply generally, protection of watershed, § 46.1-46, cross-connection control and backflow, § 46.1-57 et seq.