§ 25-89. Acetylene lamps on antique motor vehicles.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    Antique motor vehicles may be equipped with two (2) acetylene head lamps of approximately equal candlepower when equipped with clear plain glass fronts, bright, six-inch spherical mirrors and standard acetylene five-eighths foot burners, not more and not less, which project a driving light sufficient to render clearly discernible a person upon the roadway within a distance of two hundred (200) feet, but must not project a glaring or dazzling light into the eyes of approaching drivers.


    Vehicles equipped with acetylene lights as hereinbefore provided shall also be equipped with a rear lamp of acetylene type, which when lighted, shall project a red light visible for a distance of three hundred (300) feet to the rear of the vehicle and shall be so constructed as to illuminate, by a white light, the rear license plate of such vehicle so that such plate can be read for a distance of fifty (50) feet from the rear of such vehicle.

    (Code 1958, § 29-758)

    State Law reference— Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 46.1-274.

(Code 1958, § 29-758)

State law reference

Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 46.1-274.