§ 31-5. Malls designated.
The following areas are hereby designated pedestrian malls:
Main Plaza East: All that area designated as Main Plaza East Pedestrian Way shown on a subdivision of property of Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit court of the City of Norfolk, Virginia, in map book 28 at page 53 shown as parcel 77-C and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the western line of Saint Paul's Boulevard, distant south 29 degrees 37 minutes 25 seconds west, 194.05 feet from the southwestern corner of Saint Paul's Boulevard and Plume Street as shown on the aforesaid map; thence along the line of the aforesaid pedestrian way the following eight (8) courses and distances: North 89 degrees 54 minutes 35 seconds west, 188.00 feet; north 0 degrees 05 minutes 25 seconds east, 9.00 feet; north 89 degrees 54 minutes 35 seconds west, 196.70 feet; south 0 degrees 05 minutes 25 seconds west, 9.00 feet; north 89 degrees 54 minutes 35 seconds west, 166.25 feet; south 7 degrees 21 minutes 12 seconds east, 77.65 feet; south 89 degrees 54 minutes 35 seconds east, 430.73 feet; and south 57 degrees 22 minutes 45 seconds east, 51.64 feet to the western line of Saint Paul's Boulevard; thence along said line, north 32 degrees 32 minutes 15 seconds east, 48.36 feet to a point; thence continuing along the western line of said Saint Paul's Boulevard, north 32 degrees 30 minutes 05 seconds east, 75.80 feet to the point of beginning.
Commercial Place: Bounded on the north by the south curb of Plume Street, on the east by the western curb line of Commercial Place, on the south by the northern curb line of Main Street and on the west by the eastern property line of the Virginia National Bank.
(Code 1958, § 32.1-2; Ord. No. 32,358, § 1, 5-31-83; Ord. No. 34,237, § 3, 11-25-86)
(Code 1958, § 32.1-2; Ord. No. 32,358, § 1, 5-31-83; Ord. No. 34,237, § 3, 11-25-86)