§ 45-13. Permits; when required.
Residents of Norfolk may apply for a permit to prune and trim city trees located between the curbs and sidewalks. A request for a permit can take place only after a resident has successfully completed a workshop devoted to basic tree trimming techniques led by an I.S.A. certified arborist for the city, and the individual resident receives a certificate of completion in such training. All appropriate tools and required safety equipment must be supplied by the resident(s) and approved by the arborist. The pruning may take place from the ground only, utilizing only nonpowered hand tools. Debris from any pruning session must be removed in accordance with normal Norfolk Division of Waste Management regulations.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, it shall be unlawful for any person except an authorized employee of the bureau of parks and forestry to perform any of the following acts on city-owned property without first obtaining a permit from the director:
Plant, transplant, prune, trim, root prune, spray, fertilize, treat, remove, paint, climb or otherwise damage or disturb any tree, shrub or other vegetation or any part thereof (including live, diseased, declining or dead), or protective and supportive devices.
Place either above or below ground level, a container for trees, shrubs or other vegetation.
Affix or cause to be affixed to any tree, shrub or other vegetation any sign, notice, announcement, banner, rope, cable, nail, tape, wire, or any other object, or to use the same in any connection with any guard or stake protecting or supporting such tree, or permit any electrical wires, cables, poles, cross arms, brackets, insulators, or other wires or fixtures to come into contact with any shade tree or ornamental tree on the streets or other city owned property.
Dig a tunnel, trench, or otherwise excavate within the critical root zone of a tree, except within the paved roadways from curb face to curb face.
Apply and chemical or material of any sort to or within the critical root zone of any tree located on city-owned property, including but not limited to insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or soil sterilants/or growth regulators that either prevent or hinder the establishment or viability of vegetation or is detrimental to the environment.
Place any material of any sort, including, but not limited to, dirt, soil, rubble, concrete, bricks, wood, dredge spoil, asphalt, creosote timbers, logs, garbage, tires, organic wastes and personal property such as boats, trailers, vehicles on or within the critical root zone of any tree, shrub or other vegetation.
It shall be unlawful for any person to perform any of the following acts within the resource protection area or intensely developed areas in the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Overlay District without first obtaining a permit from the director:
Plant, transplant, trim, prune, remove or otherwise disturb any tree, shrub or other vegetation (including live, diseased, declining or dead), or portion thereof.
Damage, cut, tap, caulk, paint, attach any rope, wire, nail, sign or any other manmade object to any tree or shrub.
Dig a tunnel trench or otherwise excavate within the critical root zone of any tree, shrub or other vegetation.
Apply any chemical, including, but not limited to, herbicides and/or growth regulators, that either prevents or hinders the establishment of viability of vegetation or is detrimental to the environment.
Place any material of any sort, including, but not limited to, dirt, soil, rubble, concrete, bricks, wood, dredge spoil, asphalt, creosote timbers, logs, garbage, tires, organic wastes and personal property such as boats, trailers, vehicles on or within the crown-spread or critical root zone of any tree, shrub or other vegetation.
For shoreline erosion control projects, trees and woody vegetation may be removed, necessary control techniques employed, and appropriate vegetation established to protect or stabilize the shoreline in accordance with the best available technical advice as approved by the bureau of environmental services and in accordance with applicable permit conditions or requirements.
When trees, shrubs or other vegetation are removed, destroyed or damaged beyond recovery in violation of this section, the director may require that they be replaced in accordance with controlling arboricultural specifications and standards. Failure to mitigate as directed shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with any terms or conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this section.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt any person from the requirements of obtaining any additional permits as may be required by law.
(Ord. No. 41,728, § 1, 2-15-05; Ord. No. 44,580, § 1, 2-28-12)
(Ord. No. 41,728, § 1, 2-15-05; Ord. No. 44,580, § 1, 2-28-12)